At EdgeOver, we have built a warm and receptive work environment that evokes deep feelings of pride and belonging and is based on the highest standards of excellence and integrity. We are committed to creating a rewarding career for each of our employees and investing in their personal and professional development. We have successfully maintained our focus on process and operational excellence.

Work Culture

We believe in having an open and transparent environment which fosters trust and goes a long way in building employee connect with the organisation. We believe that empowering employees to voice their ideas, concerns and feedback is a key element in the organisation’s overall well being.EdgeOver has created a culture that encourages customer centricity, teamwork, out of the box thinking and continuous process improvement. Our culture is expressed in the Values that embody our core ideology and defines who we are. Our Values are based on the foundation of unyielding integrity and relationships that act as a compass to guide our thoughts and actions.

Career Development

It is important to equip our team with the right tools and skills in order to facilitate continuous improvement and to help them build domain expertise. EdgeOver has created a robust training mechanism and has numerous learning modules, world-class training facilities, some of the best trainers in the business and strategic partnerships to further bolster our training mechanism.EdgeOver is committed to enhancing the skills and competencies as well as personal growth and development of its employees. We provide our people with multiple opportunities to cross train and upskill themselves and enhance their managerial and leadership skills. We also encourage cross-functional movement to gain meaningful experience and exposure.
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